Category Archives: Tutorials

7 Tips For Beginning Photographers

When we first decide to get a little serious about taking pictures, it can get overwhelming looking at all the information and amazing photos on the internet.  OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA








I’m here to tell you to stop thinking so much! Yes, there is a lot to learn, but you don’t have to wait, you start by taking photos, and work at getting better over time.  To get you started, here are 7 tips for  beginning photographers.
Continue reading 7 Tips For Beginning Photographers

Composition: Creating Frames Within Frames – How to bring focus and add interest to your photos

Composition: Creating frames within frames – To create a uniform, balanced image, you need to decide what to include, or leave out and how to arrange the various elements for the desired result. What angle will you use? Will your elements be layered to create depth and meaning? One easy way photographers often use to create interest and draw us in, is to create a frame within a frame.

Continue reading Composition: Creating Frames Within Frames – How to bring focus and add interest to your photos